Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chapter 3

Some things are hard to understand. Others are hard to stand under. Occasionally some things are both.

Rain fell from the sky. Norman had a very small umbrella. Brent was even more confused.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chapter 2

I sat at my table, thinking that I knew everything. Little did I know that I knew quite little. Had I known everything I would have known this. Glancing out the window I saw a strange sight, two identical men clearly meeting for the first time.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 1

Brent was confused. But this was normal. Its said that there is no such thing as normal. But there is, its relative. And for Brent this was normal. Norman was late. But this was Norman. It is said that there is no such thing as Norman. But there is, he's Brent's relative. For Norman this was unusual. He and Brent had never met.